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Pleasance Courtyard


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Eleanor Price

Eleanor has had a diverse career, having been at varying times a milk maid, tour guide, bond analyst and parliamentary candidate. A fringe-goer for over 30 years, she realises that you've never seen it all and there is always potential for delightful surprises.

Reviews: 45
Other Articles: 0
Pleasance Courtyard


Expressive and unusual, storytelling that defies easy categorisation

Love Loss and Chianti
Assembly Rooms

Love, Loss and Chianti

Christopher Reid’s exquisitely written reflection on loss beautifully performed by Robert Bathurst and Rebecca Johnson

King's Theatre

An Inspector Calls

Twenty-seven years on, Stephen Daldry’s production is still enthralling

St Peter's, Lutton Place


Decisions, decisions. Every day we make 35,000 of them…

theSpace on the Mile


Powerful and raw: a theatrical punch in the guts


Cello on Fire

An unusual and exciting program showcases the cello’s versatility

Edinburgh Filmhouse

Green Book

A gentle road-trip film that highlights deeper issues

Edinburgh International Book Festival

Jo Nesbo

A modern re-interpretation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Greenside @ Infirmary Street

The Unsung

A brilliant show about the forgotten deserves to be remembered.